Monday, December 31, 2007

Tis a Puzzlement

This sweater is knitting up so fast! It's one I may actually finish!

My gauge was different from my swatch, as usual, and the back is a bit smaller than I planned.
It was also originally planned with some shaping, but then I got knitting during a movie and I was so engrossed in the film, I forgot to do it! I'm debating whether to pull out 12 inches and redo it with the shaping, or to just do the shaping on the front side. Really, it is at 4 stitches to the inch and wouldn't take me long to redo, but then again, it is me. And I'm not so good at finishing things...

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Shawl Sweater Started, FINALLY!

So I worked on the pattern for my shawl neck sweater. I have the back mapped out and knit a good 5 inches of it. Very pleased with that!

I was going to try to work from a couple of patterns I have in books, but they were all working with worsted weight (or smaller) yarn and this is aran weight. I really didn't want to have to play with the gauge or numbers that much.

Then this lovely, talented, and very beautiful friend of mine had an extra little pressie for me for christmas. Rowan's Scottish Highland Knits book.... And the first pattern is a chunky weight sweater with a shawl closure. Sure it is all in seed stitch, (and you all know how much I love that!) but it is much closer in the gauge and shaping that I was wanting. I've looked through the pattern and seen a few tweeks here and there (adding some shaping). and of course had to adjust to a larger size. but for the most part, the backs are the same. it is the front flaps that are going to have to be improvised. eh, should be done in a week, right???

ah well, time to knit!

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Can I breathe yet?



we have them why?

It's been a while since I've been online at all.
Between working retail (holiday hours suck!) and a couple of other "normal" jobs AND getting ready for the holidays, i've hardly had time to breathe.

I have done almost no knitting.
I finished lappy 2 a little while back. I still haven't woven in the ends.
I did 3 rows on "big yella" while in the movie theater tonight.
I think that's all.
Oh have I said that I started Bellatrix socks? LOVE THEM! adore them. Can't wait until next christmas when i finish them!
How sad!

And Morgana is having issues. The little flexible piece that connects the treadle to the footman (i think) broke. Madalene has the piece that I need, but she keeps forgetting to bring it to knit night. not that i'd have had much time to work on it anyway.

ah well, perhaps a more interesting update next week. I have a new digital camera (slightly better than the last) to start taking pictures. YAY!

until next time......

Monday, November 26, 2007

More Monday Madness - A.D.D. Strikes again!

Well, I finally have an evening off. How shall I spend it? I guess I could take pictures of my FOs and WIPs, but no, that would take too much energy (the camera is at the opposite end of the house).
I should work on my big yellow ribbing from hell. No, that is, well, I'm not in the mood. Lets see, what else should I be doing?
The lap blanket? Its a possibility, but it's been a lot harder to get in the mood since I realized I'm going to be short on yardage for the size i wanted to make it. And of course it was the only one in its color. Ah well. It'll just have to be patient and wait until it's turn on Thursday. It is after all the perfect Knit Night project.
What does that leave me with?
Start my Christmas Knitting? Na, still to early! I'm not in the holiday mood yet.
Start a project from my queue? Eh, maybe.
Start a new sock? Definite possibility. I don't have any going right now. That's right. They are all finished. Hmmm. I never thought that possible. Must fix that.
I could spin. Almost ready to start plying! I'm definitely excited about that! And as soon as I'm finished with the plying I have some very very pretty Horizon Blue merino to spin up! WOOHOOO! Somehow I think this may be tonights winner.
Or I could do the sock.
Perhaps I should pull out mom's sweater and start my pattern for it. The yarn for mine should be here in a couple of days. Now that is one project for which I might just call in sick from my jobs... all of them!

Saturday, November 24, 2007

A Belated Happy Turkey Day to YOU!

Well, another holiday has come and gone. We gave thanks for our family, our friends, our pets and the many blessings we have been given... and are still to receive. This year we give thanks for the time we have been given with those we loved, and have lost. We give thanks for the time that remains with all those hold closest to our hearts. For the food on our over-flowing table. And the finally-no-longer-leaking roof over our heads.

I gave special thanks to my knitting and spinning
For the peace of mind and glimpse of sanity it restores every night.
For the warmth it bestows on my toes and hands and neck and other bits.
And for the huge dent in my paycheck it leaves behind... I can't forget that.

And how better to show my gratitude than to finish a project (my Angelica socks), buy new yarn (more Snow Leopard Trust Handspun Camel), and to start spinning new roving (next bobbin of llama).

And another special note of thanks. To Casey, Jesse, and of course to Bob. For the miracle of Ravelry. For the friends you've given me, my swap partner, the new yarns and patterns you've encouraged. The new techniques I intend to try.... and for Morgana. I can never thank you enough.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007


So, I had too much to do on Monday and I didn't get to post.
Not too much happening in my knitting micro-universe.
I got a couple of magazines I'd been waiting on and queued a few projects. I am turning the heel of my angelica socks as I am typing...
And I started a lace scarf with my pastel angora... have I ever said how much I love bunnies????? LOVE THEM! It is fuzzing alot and my nose is filling with fluff, but totally worth it. It is knitting up beautifully.
What else?
Still working on lappy2. i have less red than I thought I would, so I'm making a few slight adjustments.
Should be done by the weekend. I'll be trying to keep myself sane all day thanksgiving so there will probably be several FOs by saturday.

Right. Must go work so I can go to KC this afternoon. Rumor has it that Heather will be meeting me there....

Happy Knitting

Saturday, November 17, 2007


Well, this week has been full of packages.
I've sent a couple.... and received a couple.
I bought 2 different shirts because one size is always a little big and the other a little small so get 2 shirts that don't quite fit! they are both awesome. maybe i'll have pictures of them soon.

now for pictures of my other packages. I was in the Favorite Color / Favorite Place Yarn Swap
First you get pictures of what I sent.

package 1 (thanks Sixfeet for the pic, i forgot to take one!)
In her questionnaire she said she collected Eiffel Towers. What do I do? That's right, I pulled out my box from my first trip to France and took out the souvenirs that I haven't looked at since the trip, and I sent them to someone who will appreciate them for her own memories.

Package #2
What good is a yarn swap without really lovely Yarn? and a few other fun tidbits?
I sent her 2 skeins of Dream in Color. I LOVE Dream in Color! It is so soft and knits up beautifully! I never buy it for myself because I can't afford to buy it in the mass quantities it would take to make myself a sweater, and I never can think of something I want to knit small enough to afford! However, when wanting to spoil someone, like a swap partner, who makes beautiful hats and scarves (and has several of each in her Ravelry Queue) I will absolutely buy it for her!
To represent my favorite place, I sent her a Charles Rennie Mackintosh mug, a picture and a pencil i got on my last trip to Scotland, a couple of Snow Leopard Trust toys for her cats, and a jingle tire toy for her doggy.
My mother also sent her an eiffel tower shoe.. yes, that's right, the red and skunk striped shoe has an eiffel tower heel!

okay, now for the package I received this week from Cathy.

2 balls of Lily Sugar 'n Cream in an interesting bright blue variegated color-way. I've been thinking of what to make with it. since it is cotton, i could make it up into scrubbies or dishclothes, but it is fingering weight. i may attempt some house socks for my mom, but i'll have to wait since i'm up to my eyeballs in ribbing right now.
I think it will just head over to the "what do I do with cotton" drawer for now.

She also sent a sand dollar from the beach just outside her house, a bar of chocolate, some post-its, and very nice handmade beaded stitch markers from Alabama Fiber Dreams. They are very sweet.

Well, poo. I can't elaborate any more right now. I have to run to work. It never ends!
I'll catch you up a bit more soon!

Happy Knitting!

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Tuesday? Are you sure it isn't Monday?

Right, so if my boss ever finds this blog, i might just get into a bit of trouble.
I'm at job#2 again.
And I have NOTHING to do. Literally. I finished all this week's work yesterday.
today I have 2 things I can work on.
1. put 17 boxes of envelopes with the wrong return address into trashbags.
2. Shread 1,500 sheets of paper in a 3 sheet limit shreader.

Right, i am leaving realtivly early to go try out Thi's new couch since she is just a mile away.

Lets see, what else is on my plate?

Sticks 'n Stitches.
I contacted a friend with the Blues. She is going to attempt (note: there is no guarentee at this point!) to work at getting one of these nights for us here. A night of Hockey and Knitting. Sounds great to me!
She also said that if they can't get this going for this year, we can absolutely get a group together anyway. She will book for us any time we want. I think it is either 15 or 20 people to make it a group, and if we go during the week we may be able to get tickets for as little as $15 a person.

So, if anyone is up for either set of events (or both???), let me know, you can contact me on here, email, or ravelry (we have a thread going in the STL forum)!

Right, off to work! (or something resembling it)

Monday, November 5, 2007

Pics are up! (some of them at least)

I've finally uploaded some of my pictures. My dog decided my mom isn't the best model and hopped up on the couch to model the blanket for me. She's so sweet! And cute to boot!

There are badges below my links that contain my spinning and some of my FO. I'll upload some of those and the small portion of my WIP and Stash onto Ravelry tomorrow.

it's late now so i'm off to spin for a few minutes then off to dream land!

nighty night!
sleep tight!
don't let the lady bugs bite!

Productive Week

Well, its monday again. blogging day?
I'm at job #2. Not much work to be done.

This has been a great week!
I took pictures of some of my lovelies, but haven't gotten them onto flickr yet. I'll let you know when that happens.

I got lots of fun rovings for practicing on Morgana. Ellen is such a doll! She handed me a whole box of Llama and 2 bells of random sheepy goodness. Ball 1 of 3 of the llama is on bobbin #1 and shall very soon be joined by his little buddies. I can't wait! This is the ultimate way to relax! 30-45 minutes (if i can stop) of spinning before bed, and i'm out like a light! I haven't slept this well in months.
Knitting to de-stress and spinning to sleep. I wish I'd have learned these things as a child!!!!!!!!!!

Let's see. What else?
Thi's store, Knity Couture (website on the right! -->) had it's grand openning!
So much fun. I went a little nutso, and totally over-ran my budget. However, I got some wonderful little beauties to feed my addiction until (hopefully) at least Christmas. My budget can't handle any more until New Years.

I also grabbed my Spomoni Trekking from Madalene (will you PLEASE get a website so I can link to it!). This time I refuse to do it on #1 needles. 2s or 3s all the way!

My SnowLeopardTrust Camel Yarn should be coming soon. I hope. I can't wait much longer for it. My hands are simply itching to start on the shawl neck sweater. I pulled mom's out yesterday to start attempting to look at it and think about the pattern. Not only am I going to try to make a pattern out of a purchased garment, but i'm going to have to adapt it to a different guage? this may take a while.

Hmmmmm. Speaking of Camels.......
I wove in the ends on Grandma's Camel Lap Blanket. Its very pretty. Very warm. And VERY soft. I used it on the KC Campout. GORGEOUS! So I started the pattern again in red with gold accent. This was initially supposed to be for Grandma #2, but I think it's going to be for me.... Gryffindor colors can't be given away... especially to an anti-HP grandmother! No, I think I'll finish this one for myself and make her a blue one to match Granny #1s.

Right, I should get back to work. They are paying me to at least attempt to look like I'm working. Perhaps I'll reorganize the other office? (insert sarcastic tone here -->) YAY!

Happy Knitting!

Saturday, November 3, 2007

Not Bob!

You know, Bob, the ravelry mascot, is awefully darned cute. However, when I am in the middle of upgrading my stash and his little face pops up instead of my yarn.... he really isn't so cute. he's just down right maddening.
I understand that all the things we high maintenance ravelers demand require Casey (god that he undoubtedly is) to temporarily shut the site down for upgrades, but really? in the middle of a SATURDAY. sure it was only 5 minutes (maybe) and just long enough to type this (it is back up!YAY!). but still with an addiction such as mine......

i think i need help.

Monday, October 29, 2007

there seems to be a theme

I guess Monday is becoming my blogging day?
Certainly seems like it.

Well, this weekend was quite eventful... atleast fiberly (is that a word? sounds wrong, but i can't think, i'm at work!)
My new baby arrived. Ashford Traditional. From dear Hattie....
She is beautiful. I still can't quite decide what to name her. I really like Aine (radience, queen of the Fairies) and Morgana (the great circle).
I did a bit of work on her. It was going really well until the single broke. i just couldn't get it going again. I think i'm going to put that particular fiber away for the moment and use something a bit longer (i've got a bit of my practice fiber from my drop spindle left!).

Lets see.
I also finished the lap blanket for my grandmother. It is beautiful!!! I absolutely adore it! I really want to keep it for myself. I am going to make one more for other grandma (quick easy xmas pressie) and then cast on one more for myself, but i'll make it twice the size.

The yarn for my camel sweater is due in to seattle next week. Hopefully it'll arrive at my house soon! And my ravelry shirts too! i can't wait for those!!!! EEK!

I fixed my camera, and have taken a number of pictures of Morgana (yea, i thinks that's going to be her name) and of several of my FOs. I will hopefully post them on Flickr this week (if i get the time) and on Ravelry. Perhaps I'll get some on here too.

see, now you have something not so monotonous as my rambling to look forward to!

Monday, October 22, 2007

happy monday!

I went to a new knitting group over in South City. It was great!
Everyone was extremely friendly and there are alot of beautiful faces to put with all those Ravelry sreen names!
The owner of the new LYS was there and I got to hear about the goings on. I am unbelievably excited about it. She's soooooo sweet and friendly. It will be a pleasure to go in there!
And she was talking about some of the yarns. She's attempting to get yarns from alot of local and small producers. I can't wait! and she's going to have alot of spinning supplies, which is just an added bonus.
the shop opens in 2 weeks (and she doesn't even have the keys yet!) on a saturday morning. the south city ravelrs are planning a campout before the party! (think waiting in line for HP release, but at 7am not midnight.) this should be a blast!

now don't get me wrong. madalene's is still going to be my #1 yarn shop, but it will be GREAT to have this one too!

in other news, I GOT MY SPINNING WHEEL!
it should be shipped to me today and I'm hoping (pray to the fedex gods for me, please!) that it will be here by the weekend.
I actually cleaned my bedroom and organized my stash to get ready for her.
all i need now is to decide on a name......
i'll post ideas after i've officially met her.

until next time....
happy knitting

Friday, October 19, 2007

Insanity? Of Course!

So life has felt a little rough lately. Nothing too out of the ordinary, but rough all the same.
I have been doing all the things I typically find myself doing in those moments of insanity. Shopping like a crazy lady (never a good thing around pay day!), knitting like a mad woman (yes, even in traffic today... it was moving too slow to need to shift out of first gear so why not?), and starting new projects.
Lets see, what have I started?
First I started on a new pair of socks. and i didn't like the way the yarn handled the pattern. so i frogged it.
so i started a different pattern with a different yarn. love it, but i wanted something bigger. with a very very simple pattern.
A lap blanket for Grandma Lou. Pretty blue camel and purple goddess!
and it is going sooooo fast.
and it isn't ribbing!!!!
that's my favorite part. the whole ribbing thing has gotten to me.

and I think I may be buying a spinning wheel.
I was originally going to wait until I got a full time job, but I think a third part time job will qualify.
yes, i now have 3 jobs in addition to my volunteering.
i'm stupid. i will have 2 evenings a week free (that includes knit night! thank the gods!). the rest of the week i'll just go crazy and starve (i have 30 minutes between the first and second job, and the second and third, and i need every second for traffic!). I am going to stock up on energy bars and live on those for a while..... we'll see how that goes.

lets see, other news?

not really. another new LYS is coming soon (two weeks to be exact!) near jobs 2 and 3. I've very excited. I've heard good things about the owner. i can't wait to have another place to go and knit my time away.

right, that's if I ever get time!

Monday, October 15, 2007

Monday, Monday

So I finally got 2/3 of my stash posted on Ravelry. It took forever. I didn't realize how much is really there.... and how much of it is aran and bulky weight.... I'm going to definitely have to search for new patterns out there that aren't calling for dk, sport or sock weight!

Amanda and I went to the movies Sunday to see Elizabeth. Pretty good. I got a good 5 or 6 rows of the corset-t done. YAY! And while I was in the neighborhood, I stopped in one of the LYS. I've been in that particular one 5 or 6 times before, but this was the first time someone said someothing other than, "yes, I can ring you out." I actually recieved some customer service! I was dumbfounded. I bought a new colorway of Trekking. One with solid stripes so I can try the Rainbow Socks.

And I cast on the Falling In Love socks with my Colinette Jitterbug. I don't like the cast on for these socks so I went ahead and did the eastern cast-on and got it up to half the stitches I'll need. It was 2am so I saved the rest of the toe for tonight.

Well, It's a crazy day so I should probably try to do some work.
yeah, right.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

BEHOLD! Knitting Crack

Some dear friends tend to refer to surveys as crack. They are absolutely addictive, and I make every attempt to leave them alone. This one however, is a knitting survey. I can usually muster a bit of self control in these situations, but mixing addictions.... its just pure evil!. I just couldn't help myself.

This is a knitting survey……

Mark with bold the things you have knit, with italics the ones you plan to do sometime, and leave the rest.


Garter stitch
Knitting with metal wire
Shawl (the first two attempts are in bags in the corner, does that count?)
Stockinette stitch
Socks: top-down
Socks: toe-up

Knitting with camel yarn (I have 3 skeins and 6 more on order!)
Mittens: Cuff-up

Mittens: Tip-down
Knitting with silk

Moebius band knitting
Participating in a KAL
Sweater (
I knit 2/3 of one and pulled it out, but I'm trying again!)
Drop stitch patterns
Knitting with recycled/secondhand yarn
Slip stitch patterns
Knitting with banana fiber yarn (its in my stash!)
Domino knitting (modular knitting)
Twisted stitch patterns
Knitting with bamboo yarn (stashed)
Two end knitting
Charity knitting
Knitting with soy yarn (stashed)
Cardigan (in planning stages)
Toy/doll clothing
Knitting with circular needles
Baby items
Knitting with your own hand-spun yarn

Graffiti knitting
Continental knitting
Designing knitted garments
(in the works)
Cable stitch patterns (incl. Aran)
Lace patterns
Publishing a knitting book
Participate in an exchange
Teaching a child to knit (start with Guinnie next week!)
American/English knitting (as opposed to continental)
Knitting to make money
Knitting with alpaca (roving to spin is in the stash!)
Fair Isle Knitting

Norwegian knitting
Dying with plant colors

Knitting items for a wedding
Household items (dishcloths, washcloths, tea cosies…)
Knitting socks (or other small tubular items) on one or two circulars

Knitting with someone else’s hand-spun yarn
Knitting with dpns
Holiday related knitting

Teaching a male how to knit
Knitting for a living
Knitting with cotton
Knitting smocking
Dying yarn
Knitting art
Knitting two socks on two circulars simultaneously
Knitting with wool
Textured knitting
Kitchener stitch
Knitted flowers

Knitting with beads
Long Tail CO
Knitting and purling backwards (I’m lousy at it, but I can do it in a pinch!)
Machine knitting
Knitting with self patterning/self striping/variegated yarn
Stuffed toys

Baby items
Knitting with cashmere
Knitting with synthetic yarn
Writing a pattern
Knitting with linen
Knitting for preemies
Tubular CO
Free-form knitting
Short rows
Cuffs/fingerless mitts/arm-warmers

Knitting a pattern from an on-line knitting magazine
Knitting on a loom
Thrummed knitting
Knitting a gift
Knitting for pets
Knitting with dog/cat hair
Hair accessories
Knitting in public (Continuously!)

What have you learned to do that has marked a definite change in your knitting life?

Well, I’ve gotten to the point where I can knit without looking as long as I don’t have to remember a pattern more than 1x1 or 2x2 ribbing. It's great fro knitting in the movies and in the middle of teaching class. And it makes knit night a hell of a lot easier!

I’ve also learned to use knitting as a meditation to let go of stress. It's become a life saver! Literally

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Work? What's that?

I got in to work late today. I was worried. I feared a huge pile of work to do. My boss hasn't been in with anything for me to do in quite a while. Well, surprise, still no work. And I can't just go back home because that is a total waste of gasoline. Instead, I cleaned out my office and the office next door that is basically used as storage.

Now what?

I played on ravelry (i'm sooooooo not supposed to be playing on the internet!) and now i'm posting here. I think I may head over to one of the coffee shops nearby and sit and knit for a bit. I have one more pair of socks to finish in the next 3 weeks. It is really only a one or two evening project.

OOOOOh, what else to do when you are bored at work?


spend NEXT month's paycheck

on yarn


Handspun Bactrian Camel Yarn

that helps families in Mongolia... and the Snow Leopard.

Go HERE for more information.
The lovely Marissa, who I met at the AZAD Conference, has let me know about all the lovely colors they are getting in next month and has promised to save many skeins of undyed yarn for me for this winter's sweater project.

I like Marissa

and I LOVE this yarn.

While I'm waiting, she is going to send me a pretty cranberry skein to tide me over! YAY!

ah well, I SHOULD at least pretend to work for a bit longer.

Happy Knitting!

Sunday, October 7, 2007


It has been a GREAT weekend.
The parents are out of town so its just been little old me and one yarn stealing (well, attempted theft, not yet successful) dog.
I spent all day Saturday knitting and scratching the ears of said puppy. it was absolutely fabulous (which was one of the many shows in my all Brit-tv/knit-athon!).
I finished the 9 month old jaywalker socks.
they are BEAUTIFUL!
Picture when I find lost camera (it is in my purse that went missing last week)
I hate my feet, but these socks are soooo cute.
And they turned out to have the exact opposite stripe pattern. the toe color is the same as the cuff of the other, and it proceeds from there. kinda nifty.
and i have almost enough left for baby booties.... or another very tiny project.
any one out there have any ideas for some cool brown, red and pale blue yarn??????

and Vicki sent out the swap partners! YAY!
I'm so excited. I have several plans in the works. Lets see if they work out...........

Wednesday, September 26, 2007


So I was perusing through the many facets of Ravelry (my favoritest thing ever!) and came upon the swap groups. and behold! there is a favorite place/favorite color swap! could there be anything better in this world? especially for someone with a horrible case of wanderlust?

anyway, I joined (duh!) and they ask you to post a questionnaire on your blog. for those of you not involved in the swap, read on for a glimpse at me!

here goes it!

warning: I'm in a bit of an indecisive mood..... sorry

Fun Stuff!

What is your favorite color(s)?
I love spring and winter colors... pinks, yellows, pale greens...
those slightly off shades of blues are great too! steely, turquoise, azure

What are your least favorite colors?
I'm not a big fall colors girl ..... red/orange/brown/gold

If you have a favorite brand of yarn, what is it?
anything soft and cuddly!

What weight yarn do you prefer?
anything from fingering to worsted.

Is there any weight of yarn you’d rather not have?
i have some bulky, but nothing too big, preferably

Do you enjoy novelty yarn? If so, what kinds do you like and dislike?
I have a few projects that I use furs with, but i don't really like using it if I can help it.

What are your favorite fibers?
I love animal fibers, the softer the better
although soy silk and bamboo are finding their way into my heart as well!

Do you have any fibers that you dislike or worse yet, have an allergy to?
hemp and I don't get along at all.

Do you have pets? If so, what do you have?
1 dog who isn't allowed within 25 feet of yarn. she eats it.... no dog near the yarn!

Do you spin?
I have a drop spindle that comes out about once a month... I'm hoping for a wheel in the next year or so.....

Would you enjoy receiving spinning related items, such as roving?

Do you knit, crochet, both, or other?
I knit...

Is there anything within your craft that you haven’t tried yet that you’d like to try or learn?
I'm going to make an attempt at dyeing.... we'll see how that goes. me, as accident prone as I am, with anything that stains.... can this be a good idea?

Is there anything that you enjoy collecting, aside from yarn?
daisies, anything animal related, and children's books (I'm an elementary school teacher)

Is there anything else that your pal should know to help her spoil you?
I'm still a little kid at heart, and its often the smallest things that make my day.

I think that's it..... if anyone has any other questions for me, let me know!

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

A lovely gentle fall evening

you know, i complain a lot about being back here in this city, but really, it isn't always so bad.
there are so many things to do, but you have to know when and where. Amanda happened upon a small advertisement for a little shindig tonight. The St. Louis Symphony Orchestra (the 2nd oldest in the country?!? i didn't know that!) gave a free performance on Art Hill tonight to promote their upcoming season. Soft grass, wine, and great music... does it get any better?

It was an amazing night. 70 degrees and a tiny 80% humidity (which is good for here!) there was a light show off in the distance. lightening to both the north and west. (thank god the rain went around us!) and a breeze that made it all perfect.
and a magnificent moon.
it was breathtaking!
clouds moving all around it. playing hide and seek.
at one point, my sweater looked up (yes, I knit through the whole thing, what you think I've gone off my rocker and didn't take advantage of every second I was given!) and it was as if someone took a ruler and drew a line and then pasted freshly carded roving onto that line and into the sky.
just amazing.
and at the end of the night, they had a spectacular fireworks show.

great night.


the sweater is growing.
the sock is growing.
the pictures are waiting on the non-existent camera.
mom is looking through her box, if its there, i'll snap a few shots tomorrow.

mom did find a pic with me and Guini and the sweater..... perhaps I'll just share that one... Guinevere is just adorable!
Whenever she's around and my knitting is out, she makes me promise to teach her soon. She sits in my lap and watches every move I make.... so cute.

They are all cute at the age of 5 though, right?

Friday, September 21, 2007

So it was an interesting day today.
I went to work, and didn't do too darn much.
I did a bit of paperwork, knitted, did some computer work, knitted, shredded papers, knitted, well, you get the general idea.
Everyone on my floor was out of the office today and I had very little to do... so I made the most of my time.

Then there was horrific traffic trying to get home. I sat for nearly 20 minutes in one spot. I got alot of knitting done then too!

And then it was off to Beth's for dinner and a movie with Beth and Madalene.... a zombie movie.
Well, I did over an inch of knitting during that one! And I'll probably do another inch trying to get it out of my head........

Hopefully there will be pictures of the hellish ribbing soon. The camera is currently not in working order. Hopefully there will be a replacement soon.... very soon........

Now tomorrow holds a bit of promise. Craig Ferguson was sold out >:*o( so instead of all that fun and laughter (and an amazing accent!) we are going to head out to the Strange Folk Festival. I have heard good things about it... we'll see.

time to attempt sleep

Happy Knitting!

Monday, September 17, 2007

Forever and a Day

It seems like it has been forever and a day since I updated this blog. Well, any of my blogs for that matter. (my computer screen died and so did my fix for it.... i have to wait atleast 4 months to afford a new one!)
Realistically, it has only been 4 months and 9 days since i posted here!
Since then, I've actually made some progress.
I finished the pink tank top. I wore it on my trip and at least once a week since then.
I plan to buy a beautiful eggplant yarn and make another one....... or maybe 5......

I frogged the yellow sweater. when i tried the 24 inches of stocking knit in the round (plus 2 sleeves) it was 4 inches too big around.
i don't love it so much anymore.

it is now 1/3 of the Combo Corset-T from Knitty Gritty.
Two of the girls from knit-night have finished it so it's my turn.
I'm currently on the never ending ribbing. But I am absolutely looking forward to using the Cascade Fun that I bought for the edging.... if only it weren't crochet!!!!!

I finished the first of the jaywalker socks and am stalled on the foot of the second. I have until November 1st to finish them (more about that later!)

I also started my first pair of toe up socks.
I used Angelica... remember her... the beautiful pink and black and grey?
I love her. And i'm making ankle socks in hopes that i can squeeze out a very tiny pair for my mum for Christmas.
The toe up is GREAT!!!! I absolutely wish i could make all my socks like that for eternity.
I know that will never happen. you may ask "How could you possibly know this?!?"
(sarcasm really doesn't come out very well on a blog, you know. must fix that...)

that was a very poor lead into the fact that we at knit night have recently decided to start a monthly sock along.
the theory is that the new people can get plenty of help without bugging Madelene too much.
we can all work on some wonderful socks for ourselves and our loved ones.
we can make fun new patterns.
and most importantly, we can start making a dent on our stash!
yeah, like we aren't going buy new yarn EVERY month!

well, since October, our first month, is the plain vanilla from the yarn harlot, and i get too bored and don't finish the second plain vanilla, i'm going to finish my jaywalker AND Angelica.
both second socks MUST be finished by Halloween.
hmmmm, think I can do it?

i'm not so sure.............

anyways, HAPPY KNITTING!!!

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

The End is in Sight

In the last month I have accomplished very little.
No surprise there.
I finished the back of my tank a week ago, all it needed was a half inch adjustment on the staps.
I'm finally getting to it tonight. I'm going to kitchner them in about 15 mintues. Then I get to pick up stitches for the edging. YAY! I'm excited. This might actually get finished in a timely manner.

In other knitting news, I changed my mind on stitch patterns for the shawl 5 times. I am now doing a beautiful ribbed stocking stitch. well, something like that... I really need to start remembering the names of the stitch patterns I use. It is amazingly beautiful, but I think i'm short a couple of skeins of yarn... a discontinued yarn that i can't afford anyway.
I'm going to rip out the 6 inches I have and add in more yarn over segments. perhaps that will stretch it a bit more.
Knit night is soon, I'll ask everyone's opinions then.

Yay for knit night!

Right, back to straps.

happy knitting!

Sunday, April 8, 2007

nothing new but a d d

Well, I finished the front of the tank.
And then worked on the jaywalker socks
And then started a shawl
and then worked on the shawl
and then the tank
but, no, more shawl
eh, maybe the socks
naw, the shawl
no, socks i think

i'm in total knitter's ADHD mode.
this does not bode well for my tank.

pictures to come soon...

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Purling is a good thing

I never thought I'd say it, but I'm relieved when I get to purl rows....... Yes, please don't faint, I did just say that. This anti-purl girl has finally learned to love it..... when it isn't on size 2 needles and in a horrid ribbing pattern it is kind of nice.

Spring is here..... 80 degrees consistently. I'm hating the record setting heat we are looking ahead to.
The good thing is, at least I will have an adorable new tank top to wear!
I just finished the front arm shaping and I will, in a few rows, get to bind off the neck line and start the straps. I can't believe how fast this is coming along..... after doing the sweater in the round.... and in my very large size.... ug, it was just so tedious. This is so relaxing!

I'm going up to the knit shop this afternoon. I need to purchase the yarn for the back of this top. I just now started the 3rd ball and I'm up to the neck so it looks like I will only need 7 balls where as I thought I was going to need 9.
This is a very good thing considering I'm out of the yarn part of my budget for the month..... stupid addictive sock yarn....... I won't even mention the fact that I have 3 skeins of beautiful kettle dyed, hand spun (expensive) silvery-purple yarn sitting in Madalene's reserve fridge screaming at me to forget eating and just bring it home.

You know, there has to be some sort of yarn addicts anonymous support group out there. I could really use a meeting right now. I absolutely feel like Gollum right now, pining away for my precious. But the first step is admitting addiction and I'm fully aware of that.

But in all honesty, my pretty, she really is worth it. so soft, with a beautiful bright sheen to her.

Kind of like the charcoal soy silk roving that I just had to have last week. but it will make the most beautiful cabled fan and feather wrist warmers you will EVER see! I have already started writing up a pattern for it and it isn't even spun yet!

right, I really do need to find that group...........

Hello. My name is Megan. I am a wool addict.

Saturday, March 24, 2007


It has been all too long since I last blogged. Life always gets hectic this time of year.... and it's my knitting (and therefore my sanity) that suffers.

One of those pretty skeins i spun became these cabled wrist warmers......

I got as far as the elbow on my yellow sweater, and now we get the 80 degree weather! I've decided to finish the second sleeve and then put it on hold until August. All I'll have left is the yoke so I can wear it all fall. It is just too hot to think about sweaters.

Instead, I started a pretty pink tank top. Big Girl Knits--"Cherry Bomb"-- in Elsebeth Lavold Silky Tweed color 21. It seems to be going pretty quickly. Perhaps I'll have it done in time to wear it!

Hmmmm, other knitting news......
Knit nights have been going well. They've been quite crowded. We have alot of fun new people which is always great!
And Madalene has been teaching elsewhere on Fridays..... and Cassie and her cute little ankle-biters have been watching the shop..... so i go to play. Yesterday, there was a delivery and I'll be damned if we weren't going to open up that box.
yes, it was a shipment of soysilk roving!! AND SOCK YARN!!!!!!!!
we dug straight in, openned it up and took what we wanted before we even got a price for it.....
Tofutsies. SuperwashWool, Soysilk, Cotton and Chitin.... 1 pair of socks per ball!

and as if the day couldn't get any better, they had also sent a sample skein for Madalene....... and we started knitting it up for her (she walked in half way through and busted us. oops!). Cassie knit 2 rows of the mini sock then i took a turn and knit 2 rows. we alternated all the way through the heel flap before it was time to close. Cassie was going to finish it up today. perhaps i'll get a pic of it this week...........

I think that's about it for now.... I'm planning some book scarves and a sheep, we'll see if that happens....

I'm off for dinner and knitting through a movie with Beth and Madalene....
Ta for now.
happy knitting!

Monday, February 19, 2007

A quick note

I wound my first mini skein today. (on the left)
and then I spun my second and wound it too! (on the right)

I'm so proud!

I'm going to turn them into wrist warmers.
and if I have any leftovers I'm making a mini-sheepy.

I'm so excited. The pink and purples are next.........

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Happy Valentines Day!

If you haven't read the Yarn Harlot's Vday post, please go read it now. I cannot tell you how much I believe in what she is saying. So much so that I actually did all the laundry in the house, cleaned the kitchen, and I am giving up on my knitting in favor of organizing my room (mom has been on my butt about it for a week).

I was intending on spending my v-day in my room with my knitting needles.
I'm still working on my sleeves. They seem to be taking FOREVER!!!!
I need a break so I'm making more pygmy puffs.
red and pink ones for the day.

I decided that I should probably share my pattern with you all. It is just a quick short-row ball done with a fun fur or a plush, but I know I had a heck of a time figuring it out myself. and it should be made as easy as can be so that every HP fan can have one in the next 155 days...... or however long is left on that ticking clock to the right.....
anyway, here it is.

Pygmy Puff Pattern
(Short rows version)
US size 3 or 4 straight needles
Tapestry needle
Brightly colored Fun Fur (one ball will make several pygmy puffs) Cotton balls (3-5) or another type of stuffing
2 beads, sequins, or googly eyes
1 bead for a nose (optional)
2-4 inch scrap of red or pink yarn for tongue(optional)
: Fun fur and an additional sport or dk yarn can be held together to give the ball more body. Two or three strands of fun fur may be held together instead of additional yarn for a more furry finish. This is not necessary if using a plush yarn as most will have enough body. In addition, longer or stringier types of fun fur may need pulling through knitting as you go so as not to trap all the furriness inside the ball.

CO 9
Row 1: K6, W&T
Row 2: P3, W&T
Row 3: K5, W&T
Row 4: P7, W&T
Row 5: Knit to end
Row 6: Purl to end

Repeat rows 1-6 a total of 6 times.
Bind off stitches loosely.
Cut yarn leaving a 9+ inch tail.
Use tail and running stitch along side. Pull tightly, drawing closed.
Use tail to mattress stitch CO and BO sides together.
If you want to add a tongue, do so now. Simply add a string of scrap yarn near the bottom front of the ball. I usually double the yarn and knot it several times at the end. If giving the pygmypuff to an animal or small child, I will secure it more firmly by weaving in and or putting in a drop of superglue.
Turn ball inside out.
If you are sewing in the eyes, it is easiest to do so now before stuffing. Place them about ½ inch above the tongue
Stuff your puff firmly with cotton balls or stuffing. Overstuffing will give a better shape.
Use the remaining tail and a running stitch to draw bottom closed.
Weave in end to secure then pull remaining yarn through ball and out leaving as your pygmy puff’s tail.
Fluff/brush pygmy puff for maximum fuzziness.

I will sometimes leave off the eyes and add a bit of catnip to the stuffing. My friend’s cats LOVE to play with the puffs.

that's it for now
happy knitting!

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Another Week Gone By

This has been a very long and occassionally exciting week.
My birthday was last weekend, and as usual, my friends made it worth being another year older. The tattoo is healing beautifully. I'm so happy that I got it. It is perfect for me. A bit bigger than I originally intended, but then again, so is the place where it is located!

Saturday was my first spinning day. I sat at my LYS for 5 hours and spun my practice roving. It looked great! and it was holding up!
until I got it home.
As soon as Madalene wasn't there, it started to pull apart every time I went to spin it. So I put it down for a couple of days (or a week) to let the process sink in before I try it again.
Here is what I have done though. Isn't it pretty!

You can't really see it very well, but I'm proud of myself. I'll get better eventually. And Saturday mornings are now going to be for spinning.
I'm trying to decide what to do with it. maybe another little pet, seeing as it is my first spinning. maybe some wrist warmers. although, it might almost be enough for a lovely scarf.
I do have quite a bit more of this white to do before i get to the pretty colors that are sitting and screaming at me from my stash. Pinks and purples. I can never resist the pinks and purples.

Sunday was my birthday. and Mom gave me the Blessing Basket that I requested around Christmas time. I love it!

such pretty colors. And it holds my spinning, my Trekking socks, and my sweater project!! Now all I need is a liner for it. I almost lost a sock needle the other night as it slid through one of the holes. We can't have that now, can we.

My work week went about as slow as it possibly could. I can't tell you how thankful I was for Thursday to roll around again. Knit Night was rather tame this week. A couple of girls finished some big projects. A few started some interesting things. I helped Bella start some hunting socks for her hubby.

And then the sweater project came out..... neither Madalene nor I had the brain power to deal with it, but Cassie wants to see me finish it and insisted.
I pulled it out. I hadn't worked on the body in over a week. I started a sleeve (which I pulled out last night due to the fact that I somehow had 20 extra stitches! how does one get 20 extra stitches?!?!?!?!?!?). Well, we looked at it and drew it out 10 times. Then we did it again. After 30 minutes we finally figured out what they wanted. our mistake . . . . . read to the end of the pattern FIRST, especially when you are trying to adapt it to make it seamless. We couldn't figure out why the back was supposed to be so much longer than the front! nor could we figure out which way the armhole decrease were supposed to go. We got it eventually. and i went home and finished it. Now it is just waiting for me to finish the sleeves so i can add them on and start the fun part, the yoke.

well, sleeves here I come. no extra 20 stitches this time!
and I read the whole pattern first! lets see if this goes a little smoother this time.....

well, as smoothe as smoothe can be for me anyways

ta for now.
happy knitting!

Friday, February 2, 2007

February Second

I love February second. I always have.

It's Ground hog's Day... which means Punxatani Phil (how in the world do you spell that???) will tell me that Winter is going to last FOREVER and snow will fall every day for the rest of my life. yes, that may be wishful thinking, but, hey, a girl can dream.

in addition to the lovely little hairy rodent day, it is St. Brigid's Day.
Brigid has always been my favorite saint (i was raised catholic, and some things you just don't let go of). her legend is wonderful. and she founded Kildare. and she is the second patron saint of Ireland. and her cross is beautiful and very simple. so anyways, happy St. B's day! turn some earth and have a pint.

oh, and i can't forget. HAPPY BIRTHDAY ERIN! miss you!

last night was knit night.
it was great, as always.
and we actually had a full crowd! it has been a while since we filled all the chairs (and had people on the floor). 5 new knitters i think i counted. and they were all nice .... and held their own in conversation .... without being offended..... or making anyone want to drive a needle through an eyeball. YAY!
Beth made me shortbread. YAY! it's one of my absolute favorite things in life. and Allison and Madalene and i walked to the coffee shop for hot cocoa to dunk it in. YUM! it was wonderfully delicious. and i have some left over!!!! can you say breakfast?????

and i finally got to the 14 1/2 inches i needed on the sweater. and then chaos. i couldn't quite figure out what i was supposed to be doing. there was some confusion due to the fact that i'm doing it in the round and not flat... and i can't figure out why the back is supposed to be 2 inches longer than the front . . . doesn't make esnes to me. and some parts go on holders. some parts are supposed to be bound off... then picked up again... then added on...then, hell, i don't know! and i have 2 balls attached now, not one. and i 'm confuzzled. i think i'm supposed to be working just the sides right now.... armpits?? hell, maybe i'll just do the sleeves.

so what's on the agenda for today? well for my day off i usually sleep in, but not today it seems. today, i am going back to the LYS to try to get my head around what i am supposed to be doing with this sweater....
then i am picking up a couple of friends who will be accompanying me to get a tattoo as a bday pressie to myself. normally my nerves get the better of me with stuff like this. i'm not good with anticipation.... or adrenalin.... or anything somewhat adventurous.
but for this i am completely calm. no butterflies yet. no anxiousness no nerves. just a hint of excitement. so far in my life, that has only happened a few times. first overseas flight. first day of college. moving to Scotland. and now this. all the other things were right. the beginning of something. i don't think this is the beginning of the tattooing of my whole body or anything, but something, perhaps.


Thursday, February 1, 2007

What a day

To wake up to such news as the release date for the final Harry Potter book! That in itself was exhausting.... and then learning the actual date!
Jo has thrown me for a loop. i figured i would have at least until fall. i mean, really. to release the 5th movie only a week and a day before the final book! insanity!
it just can't be smart. i can't afford both!
not with the trip, five years in the making. (cross my heart, i started planning this nearly 5 years ago.)
yes. i think i have it.
I'll fly over for the movie and stay for the book!
until i looked at the airfare. winter fare (non holiday of course) i can usually find for between $400-$700. summer fare.... runs $1,000-$1,400. that, with food and tourism and housing... more than i anticipated, 3 months before I anticipated it.

with all that, i sat down and looked at my finances. i came up with several solutions:

option 1. get a part time job. this was already in the making. i am up for a part time position at the LUSH going in at the nearby mall. but it doesn't start until the end of Feb or March. so it is no good to me. but with my morning coffee.... my usual barista handed me an application. i am on my way to turn it in as soon as i finish typing here.

option 2. take out a loan. probably from mom, but a loan all the same. i can by my plane ticket now (or at least in the next few weeks) so as to lock in a reasonable price. and i can pay it back when i get my taxes back and with each paycheck.

option 3. the most relevant to this particular blog... and my least favorite of all..... a yarn fast.
i was on a yarn diet, but now, an all out fast must be put into place if i'm going to be able to afford this.... i'll give up yarn for lent.... maybe that'll help

all i can say is that at least i have enough in my stash to keep me going.

my sweater is at 13 3/4 inches. hopefully i'll start the shaping tonight..... or a sleeve.

and i have some pink Silky Tweed on sweater plan.... i can take that out a piece at a time, when i'm ready to start another big project.

and my socks haven't grown much. they'll have to be finished.
and Angelica is still calling me
and as if i didn't have enough sock yarns ....i bought this 2 weeks ago
(i didn't have a pic until today)

it is a very colorful (and slightly shiny?) bamboo sock yarn. I love it! it is so soft. absolutely lovely.

it'll have to tide me over.
until fall?????
not going to happen. but hopefully it will get me through the new spring yarns coming out!

and i'm starting spinning!
Saturday mornings are going to be for spinning now. it was a new years resolution. and i have enough roving to get me quite a while i think. some white to practice on, some white i had intended for mittens, some pink, purple and a blended pink and purple for something fun.
hopefully that will keep me going... hopefully.

for now it is off to Starbucks to turn in an application.
and then to knit night! YAY!
one of the girls baked me a pressie for my birthday.
i'm excited.
i hope it's shortbread!!!!!


Tuesday, January 30, 2007

I'm not a complete moron this week!

last week, i was acting a complete moron. i couldn't do anything right.
i read my pattern wrong....
11 1/2 inches and then start the shaping!
sounds good to me.
i'm almost there.
1/4 inch left.

but this morning, i pulled out my pattern.
and i read it. smart move # 1.
with my glasses on. smart move #2.

and there, before my eyes not an 11, but a 14.
14 1/2 inches!
oh no, not 1/2 inch to go. 3 1/2 inches.
i was so ready to start shaping.
i'm tired of these HUGE circles with no progress!

but now, today, there was progress.
i had 2 classes cancel on me and i finished all my typing. and then i knit for almost my entire lunch hour.
that makes 3 inches today, so far. I intend to finish the last 1/2 inch tonight while watching Gilmore Girls.

and then i'll work on my socks tomorrow. i miss them.

oooooooooooooooh. i almost forgot.

This is Angelica. She arrived on my doorstep yesterday.

Isn't she pretty!!!!
I have vowed not to start anything new until i finish either my jaywalkers or my sweater. so for now Angelica shall sit with my sheep (still without names!) and be my little pet.

happy knitting!

Friday, January 26, 2007

YAY for Weekends

I love Thursday.
It is by far the best day of the week. And the start of my weekend.
I work until noon, grab a bite of lunch, run a few errands, take a nap, and by 6, I'm ready for a social life.

Thursday is knit night. A great group of women gather at our local yarn shop. It always seems to start off rather mild. Alot of knitting. Someone will inevitibly need help with a project, or technique, or picking out new yarn or a new pattern, or finding some else's pattern. And usually there are several gals ready to help out. We'll all do a progress check on whatever project has grabbed our attention the previous week. There is plenty of time for show and tell. And of course a basic catch-up on what happened in everyone's lives since the last time we got together. A typical knit night, I suppose.

And then, as time goes on, it all changes. A core group stays entirely too late talking and such. Last night we went on our first field trip. A naughty one. A lot of fun. A lot of giggling. Attempts to set one of the girls up with a rather hansom young security guard. She didn't go for it so we shall be slightly more devious next time, especially with plans for future fieldtrips.

Ah well, I should be going. It is Friday.
And we made plans last night for dinner and a drag queen show. it's been a while. should be fun.


Sunday, January 21, 2007

Rambling history of a sweater

I tried one sweater previously. But i was my usual moronic self. i tried a pattern that had extrememly complicated cables on front and back. and all pieces were made seperately. well, sure it wasn't all that, but with having not done cables before, the complexity of what i was doing was a bit overwhelming, especially when i realized my guage was off. i was 15 inches into the back and i was on my 9th repeat of the cabling pattern out of what seemed like 100 .... and then i was going to have to do the finishing too! it was endless and had lost all its appeal. i liked how it looked, but it wasn't quite what i wanted.
i finally said forget it. and i frogged the whole bloody thing. i liked the yarn alright, but it wasn't quite what i wanted in a sweater. it wasn't as soft as i hoped for. very very pretty though. a blue-grey. i still haven't decided what i'm going to do with it.... something lovely.

right, so on to the next sweater. but first some important information
I love my mom. She drives me up the wall, but still, she is the greatest.
I must say she is the best gift buyer in the history of this world! and even though i haven't tempted her to knit, yet, she understands the addiction.
for Christmas:
a gift certificate to my LYS.
2 skeins orange Alpaca Chunky.
knit picks options needle set
Knitting Nature
and these cute figuring because she though they would be cute next to my computer with some of my favorite yarn pets. i know this is about sweaters, but LOOK!

aren't they cute!!!!
unfortunately, the sheep still don't have names, but isn't Hilda (the cherished teddy) adorable.
(do you see the pygmy puff? he's the result of my post a few days ago! he doesn't have a name yet either. I'm open to suggestions!)

i am rambling again!

so anyways.
i stopped in my LYS for a chat the first week of January, and i realized that with the gift cert and the 2 skeins, it was almost the exact price of the yarn for the sweater that i'd been dying to do.
I bought all the Cascade Yarns Bollicine Dolly color 902 that she had. (and she is ordering a bit more for me)

this sweater is going to actually get finished.
it is the Phyllo Pullover from Knitting Nature.

I love the beautiful buttercup yellow merino. i'm so excited. it is so pretty! i'm doing it in the round so there will be no seeming. YAY! i'm horrible when it comes to seeming. grafting i can do no problem, but seeming. YIKES!

right now, i'm in the middle of that dead space where you knit and knit and knit and then you measure. and nothing. you've only gone a quarter of an inch since you last measured. and then you pull out a couple of hairs and keep going.
i am starting the 4th ball of yarn now. i have somewhere around 9 inches. i'm extremely excited that i get to do some shaping soon. i'm determined to finish this...and soon!

i'm going to stop my rambling now so that i can go and do a quarter of an inch of that sweater.
its growing! or atleast that's what i'm going to tell myself.

ta for now!

Friday, January 19, 2007

good intensions

i intended to spend this day recovering from my 3 day headache (it turnedout to be sinus).
well, that doesn't seem like its going to be happening. My mind is in overdrive.
i wanted to post here about my sweater, which is coming along slowly but surely.
now i'm not in the mood.

so i jump over to the YarnHarlot for my daily laugh fix (Steph is amazing if you haven't been over there!). and someone has asked her about a summer version of the Knitting Olympics.

my brain started spinning (not my hands, that is on Saturdays! well, atleast it will be soon.)

why not hold the Knitting Olympics as a forum. there has got to be a good place that can host it for free. sure, my previous forum experience was very small. and this would be HUGE.
and could a free server hold it all?

and do i really want to get myself into this???

i am realizing i really don't know nearly enough about it all.

BUT being a Friday

and me not having anything to do

i start looking up free hosting sites.

i fear this is getting dangerious.
our dearest YH, it seems, gets herself into trouble by coming up with great ideas and putting them straight into motion. a lack of planning if i recall properly. do i really want to do that?
or should i just keep my trap shut until i've really looked into it all????

i think i'll turn off my computer so as to not tempt myself.

but i'm sure i'll be back later to put up something about my sweater. as soon as i touch it i feel the need to talk about it. addiction.
that's what this is
pure addiction
atleast this one is productive!!

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Current Sock Project

I thought that it is about time i start sharing what i'm working on now

it seems that i am always knitting stuff for other people. i decided to make a new years resolution to put myself first with my knitting. just for this year. and no large or tedious projects unless it is something that i will be wearing twice a week.
so far so good.

here are what will very soon be finished (i hope) my new favorite socks
(did i mention earlier that i have a great love...bordering on fetish... of socks?)

it is a pattern i have fallen in love with
it is fun and interesting
and with this yarn, i am never fully sure what is going ot come out next!

i'm using Trekking XXL. i think it is Ombre 101, but i can't seem to find the label.
i was stupid and started it on size 1 needles. i really should have done size 2s.
and instead of starting the heel flap for the first sock, i decided to start the leg of the second sock. even though this pattern is addictive, i do tend to get very serious cases of second sock syndrome and i'm attempting to prevent it. we shall see how that goes.

did i mention that i LOVE it?

really, i do. it makes me smile every time i think about knitting it.

i think i am going to start toe up socks with whatever is left over. i love this and want to squeeze every millimeter i can out of it.

next up?
my first sweater.

Monday, January 15, 2007

Weekend Thoughts

Well, it has been a pretty good weekend as weekends go.
some of our neighbors came over for a game night. they are signing up for knitting classes this month. we shall see how that goes. they are making an attempt to talk my mother into going too. she really could use it, but i doubt that i'll ever be able to actually get her to start.

my grandmother, too, is contemplating taking knitting up again. i think it would be perfect for her. she really needs something to fill her time with. my grandfather died 2 1/2 months ago, and after 60 years of marriage and spontaneous travelling and constant intellectual conversation, grandma doesn't really know what to do with herself. i think knitting would keep her busy and make her feel productive.

i'm having my usual problem, as far as knitting problems go. i'm feeling the ADD.
any ideas on how to overcome this??
the projects on my needles are all going swimmingly.
the projects are all addictive.
they are extremely beautiful.
i can not wait to finish them.
i can not wait to wear them.
yet, for some reason, i feel the need to start something else.

and it didn't help that i went to a new yarn store today.
why on earth would i do that to myself?
sure, i didn't make any purchases.
i showed self restraint (all i have left until pay day is gas money, that helped)
but i saw 4 or 5 patters that i am absolutely DYING to try.
and i saw roving that is begging me to start spinning.

why do i do these things
i should know better

well, have a great week. i'm going to raid my stash and find something to start. . . . i'm really in a manos mood . . . . . . . maybe the purple and yellow . . . . . . somthing warm and pretty . . . . but what?
or some lovely colorwork
or another bag
or that stupid golf club cover i promised uglyMike.

somethign that i can finish today


i'm making myself a pygmypuff!!!

oh lord
what have i started this time?????

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Layout Changes

I have spent today not knitting, but attempting to get this blog looking the way i want it.

i love sleep deprived ideas, they just come so fluidly.
at around 3am i had a bit of an epiphany. i remembered where i had put the html tags for linked buttons. yay! and then i figured out how to add them to this blog.

on the right there are lovely links to some of my favorite knitting websites, communities and such.

and i finally got my hands on some of the pictures of a few of my finished projects. they are now (after hours of trying to get them onto and off of my mini drive) up on flickr for your viewing pleasure. i intend to add more of my recent projects to the list, but it may take a while until i fix our digital camera.
and p00t sends me a picture of her in her scarf (hint hint hint hint)

i think that's it for now.
i'm going to put on a strange movie and enjoy my knitting
and the beauty of the ice covered trees

Saturday Morning Reflection

Well, it is Saturday.
the end of yet another week.
work is crazy.
the people in this house are crazy.
my friends are crazy.
nothing out of the ordinary.
which is why i've been knitting up a storm.

it is the only constant in my life right now.
that is, other than the insanity.
it is often the only thing i can make absolute esnes out of.

i put the needle through a loop.
i wrap the yarn around the needle.
i pull the yarn through the loop.
i make a stitch.
then i do it again.
and again.
and again.
until i have finished a row.
then i do it again.
until i can see an inch of work.

it grows.
it changes.
in ways that i can actually see.

if i don't like it.
i change it.
or i pick up a different project.
and do the same thing.
until my eyes hurt.
and i put on my glasses.
and do it again.
and again.
and again.

nothing else gives me the pleasure.
or the solitude.
even in a room full of people.
knitting grounds me.

it keeps me from pulling my hair out.
or strangling someone.
or screaming at the top of my lungs.

i think that i must leave you now.
there is a temper tantrum crashing up the stairs.
i think i need to knit.

Saturday, January 6, 2007

Let me Introduce myself

I'm Megan, or Megs, or Daisee, or n00t (according to my darling friend Chris). yes, i said n00t.

you know, the first post always seems the hardest to write. there is always so much to say ... and i never know how to go about saying it.

now that i said that, here is an entire dissertation because i am horrible at editing my thoughts!

i think i'll start with the fact that i am a horrible typist. i can not spell. i hate capitalization. yes, as a teacher this is a horrible tragedy, but when it comes to my computer i don't care about these things. that is why i love grammar auto-correct on MSWord. i don't have to worry about those little things! now, when i write with a pencil and paper, everything is exactly perfect or the paper gets crumbles up and thrown in the recycle bin.
this leads me to another problem.... i am a perfectionist when it comes to some things (mainly things that are going to be seen by other people and therefore, in my head, automatically judged).

what else is important for you to know????
i am a geek to the core. i don't ever just do something. it always seems to either be thrown away after 5 minutes or becomes necessary to the process of breathing.
a few examples.

i knit.
obviously since this is a knitting blog.
i started about 18 months ago. i picked it up quickly. if i love something. i dive in head first. and hope i don't hit my head on a rock.
no rock here. my first scarf was just plain scary, but i learned how to avoid my mistakes. hats were easier. but i don't wear hats very much, and at the time, i didn't have any babies around to knit for (boy did that change!!!!!!). so i took a mitten class. i was fascinated watching other people knit! i hadn't taken classes or anything, just read a book, so it was a new thing. no two people knitted the same way! and nothing remotely close to all my horrible habits i had gotten from never seeing anyone else knit! and i found the wonders of patterns! following patterns is delightful if i can actually get through them. i'm not so good at following through. (i tend to make things up as i go along ... or when i get tired of something.)
well, that was it for me. i started going to knit night at my LYS. and met some wonderful people.
now i have commitment to thursday nights. friends, family, co-workers, all know not to bother me on thursdays or you are likely to get your head bitten of. every week it seems, the girls inspire me to try something new. a new pattern, some new yarn ... they are very expensive friends! but i wouldn't trade them, or my knitting, for anything in the world.

lets see, anything else you need to know??
ah, yes.
warning. i am in fact a true science geek. my BA is in natural science. i prefer biology, environmental science and zoology. which leads me to my most favorite thing of all. i volunteer as an educator at the local zoo! it is great fun! i walk around the grounds and talk to people about our animals or conservation work. sometimes i work in the children's zoo where i get to do a lot of animal contact. mainly goats, chickens, bearded dragons, snakes. it is lots of fun! and it even inspires my knitting. i made myself a beautiful bag to match my uniform. and i'm working on a couple of knitted items to use during my interpretations! i love the zoo!

i think that's about it for now.
my knitting stuff will hopefully follow soon. pictures and all. hopefully!

ta for now!

Friday, January 5, 2007


Wow, another year, another blog.
this time, a KNITTING blog! yay!

I suppose I should put something witty here to grab attention
or maybe explain myself?
but no
that would take time and thought, neither of which i have much of right now.
maybe tomorrow.

right now i just want to say hiyas to my silent fan club, p00t.
i dedicate this post to you, my non-knitting buddy (damn the muggles, we shall covert them all yet!) for helping me to select a witty title. and not one that had to do with balls or ribs (after that conversation, this is a miracle)